Saturday, August 9, 2008

Starting MS2

I heard a lot about the second medical school year when I was a first year student.  It was supposed to be more difficult and more interesting at the same time.  I would say that's pretty much how it looks right now.  The pace is a little faster in the Hematology / Oncology course, but I think that the tail end of MS1 prepared us well for this increased pace.  I'm enjoying both Cardiology and Heme / Onc so far.  It is a little sad sometimes to see what I have already forgotten from 1st year.  We took a pre-test in a pharmacology elective and I couldn't remember the antibiotics very well at all.  We will review them in that elective, and I'm really happy that my school is offering this pharamacology course that also covers a lot of review.

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